목록2023/07/05 (4)

Pyramids 문제 A pyramid of blocks is constructed by first building a base layer of n blocks and then adding n-1 blocks to the next layer. This process is repeated until the top layer only has one block. You must calculate the number of blocks needed to construct a pyramid given the size of the base. For example, a pyramid that has a base of size 4 will need a total of 10 blocks. 입력 The input will ..
Pottery 문제 3D printing is becoming more and more prominent in today’s society. Unfortunately, you don’t currently have access to a 3D printer. Instead, you can just print an item with your knowledge of coding! Print a clay pot. 출력 Output the pot exactly as shown in the example output. There are no blank lines before or after the output, and there are no trailing spaces on any of the lines. 풀이 PR..
Livestock Count 문제 Print a table that describes the current count of all your livestock. 출력 Print the table below as shown. The character “-”, is a dash not an underscore. 풀이 with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Hello is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Animal Count"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("-----------------"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Chickens 100"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Clydesdales 5"); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("..
Rook 문제 You have just learned how to output text to the screen and your teacher has challenged you to create an ASCII art of a chess piece. You have decided to make your favorite piece, the rook. 출력 The rook art, exactly as shown below, with no extra blank spaces. In particular, a line must not end with a blank space. 풀이 console.log(` ___ ___ ___ | |__| |__| | | | \\_________/ \\_______/ | | | |..