
[백준] 24568 본문

Javascript + Typescript/자바스크립트로 알고리즘풀기

[백준] 24568

치춘 2022. 7. 16. 00:41

Cupcake Party


A regular box of cupcakes holds 8 cupcakes, while a small box holds 3 cupcakes. There are 28 students in a class and a total of at least 28 cupcakes. Your job is to determine how many cupcakes will be left over if each student gets one cupcake.


The input consists of two lines.

  • The first line contains an integer R ≥ 0, representing the number of regular boxes.
  • The second line contains an integer S ≥ 0, representing the number of small boxes.


Output the number of cupcakes that are left over.


const cupcake = () => {
  let [r, s] = require("fs")
  console.log(r * 8 + s * 3 > 28 ? r * 8 + s * 3 - 28 : 0);


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